Co-ordinator PSI Planning&Operation

Co-ordinator PSI Planning & Operations / ABC Distributor Business Junior

The Co-ordinator will be in charge of closely definedguideline tasks within order processing, the demand forecast and the procurement of Computer Systems in Distributor Business for the sales region EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa).

This will include the administrative, customer-oriented and timely processing of all orders, starting at order entry through dispatch to the initiation of invoicing and for the maintenance of customer data in the ERP system.

He may monitor incoming orders and the production delivery plans of Company owned production sites and appropriately adjust long-term production quantities to current demand on a daily basis based on general guidelines.

Subject to guidance and support by his superior will he take charge of the supervision of Built-to-order / Customized-to-order contracts and of emergency deliveries.

He will be in charge of informing regional sales offices and distributors concerning production and delivery planning.

He will assume back-office tasks and inter-company invoicing and crediting for an allocated region.

The tasks are mainly structured and will be carried out under precise guidance.


Vocational commercial training.


Less than 3 years in an international sales organization of High Tech industry.


Anmerkung der Redaktion: Studieren Sie die obige Job Description im Hinblick auf Terminologie und Bedeutungsinhalte, um zu verstehen, was von Ihnen bei der vorliegenden Position erwartet wird.

Vergleichen Sie die Inhalte dieser Job Description mit anderen Stellenbeschreibungen in diesem Abschnitt. Wie steht es mit der Leitungsebene, Personalverantwortung oder Handlungsrahmen?

Ist die Position überwiegend technisch oder kaufmännisch ausgerichtet, und woran ist das zu erkennen?

Sind im Vergleich zu anderen Job Descriptions Über- beziehungsweise Unterordnungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Linienorganisation und/oder Matrixorganisation (cross-functionality) zu erkennen?



Manches mag dem Wartenden widerfahren, aber nur das, was die Eilenden hinterlassen haben.

Abraham Lincoln

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